Jane Somerville
Core Specializations:
General management, program evaluation, organizational and strategic and business planning
B.A. (Distinction), University of Alberta
M.B.A., University of Alberta
Associated with firm since: 1986
Previous Experience:
Management control systems auditing, legislative assistant
Ms. Somerville provides management consulting services to a broad range of clients including federal, provincial and municipal government organizations, school boards and post-secondary educational institutions, private sector companies, and not-for-profit organizations. Her particular areas of expertise include performance measurement, program evaluation, and strategic and business planning. She has also participated in several socio-economic impact assessment, financial feasibility, and organizational studies completed by the firm over the years. She has been actively involved in the management consulting profession in Canada as a board member of the Institute of Certified Management Consultants of Alberta and the Canadian Association of Management Consultants.
Assignments in the field of performance measurement and program evaluation comprise an important part of Ms. Somerville's work. She has completed evaluations of education and labour force development programs; programs for immigrants; legislation; and senior government operational and support programs. She has carried out performance measurement studies for municipalities, educational institutions, and senior government departments and agencies.
Ms. Somerville has directed a number of planning and directional studies for educational institutions, municipal and provincial organizations, commissions, aboriginal organizations, industry associations, and others, and has served as facilitator and speaker at a number of planning forums.
Ms. Somerville also has participated in a considerable number of general management, organizational, marketing, and economic studies.
Phone: 780-409-1758
Email: Jane Somerville